Provincial dynamics in the 2017 national elections in Ecuador


  • Régis Dandoy University of Brussels, Belgium.



provincial parties, national elections, provincialization, Ecuador


This article focuses on the provincial dimension of national politics in Ecuador. Based on an empirical analysis of the party vote shares for the different elections of February 2017, it aimed at understanding why parties dominate the elections in some provinces while remaining peripheral actors in others. This territorial heterogeneity of the vote in national elections was measured using a set of three quantitative indicators: the electoral success of provincial parties, the provincial-national incongruence of the vote and the provincialization of party systems. This article concludes that the provincial distribution of the votes remains one of the key elements in order to understand national elections in Ecuador and that it relies on a subtle combination of province-specifc factors, party characteristics and party strategies.


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Author Biography

Régis Dandoy, University of Brussels, Belgium.

Belgium. Has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Brussels (Belgium) and is currently assistant professor in Political Science at the Waseda University (Tokyo). Before moving to Japan, he was lecturer andresearch fellow at the University of Zurich, FLACSO-Ecuador and the University of Louvain. His research interests deal with comparative politics, federalism and decentralization, regional politics, sub-national elections and party manifestos. His main research project at Waseda University deals with the comparative analysis of national and regional elections in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Dandoy, R. (2017). Provincial dynamics in the 2017 national elections in Ecuador. Democracias, 5(5), 3–24.



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