Genesis, logic and aporias of the modern concept of political representation


  • Eduardo Buitrón Portilla FLACSO Ecuador



Political representation, political science, sovereignty, power, social contract.


This article analyzes the genesis, logic and aporias of the modern concept of political representation, focusing on Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan as a central point in the configuration of this concept. Based on the conceptual history approach of Reinhart Koselleck and the political philosophy of Giuseppe Duso and the School of Padua, the genesis of the concept is examined in the context of the emergence of modern political science, highlighting the importance of the work of Hobbes. The analysis also covers the logic of political representation, which is intertwined with the delegation of power and the social contract, and explores the aporias that arise from the original mismatch between the conceptual order and the political order, as well as the tensions between representation and citizen participation in modern democracy.


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How to Cite

Buitrón Portilla, E. (2023). Genesis, logic and aporias of the modern concept of political representation. Democracias, 11(11), 31–52.
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